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AZ Week Notebook – August 2011


A top Arizona economist says the federal debt-ceiling issues that were temporarily settled this week may have contributed to a continuance of the weak economic recovery.

"Bottom line: We dodged a bullet," Jim Rounds said in an e-mail. Rounds is economist and senior vice president at Elliott D. Pollack & Co. in Scottsdale. He tracks Arizona's and the nation's economic indicators to help businesses set their plans and strategies.

"Shocks like the debt-ceiling issue have more of an impact when the economy is weak," Rounds said in his e-mail. "While a resolution was agreed upon, there were still some psychological impacts in the economy. Businesses became a bit more scared to invest and consumers became a bit more scared to spend."

"This may have set us back a good three months to half of a year in the recovery," he continued. "But, the broad array of economic data suggests no 'double dip', just a continued really weak recovery."

On Friday's Arizona Week, we will look at the broader economic implications of the debt-ceiling issue for Arizona, by speaking with a business and entrepreneurial specialist from the Thunderbird School for Global Management in Phoenix and with other economic and financial experts.


Questions about the effects of the federal action on the deficit and debt ceiling will be posed on Friday's Arizona Week to economists and financial experts in Arizona.

Here's some of what we plan to ask:

  • How will spending reductions affect Arizona's economy?

  • Will there be an impact on state social services?

  • The deal eventually could include defense spending cuts. Could they affect Arizona military installations and defense contractors?

  • Will federal spending reductions mean governmental agency layoffs? If so, how will they affect the jo market in Arizona?

  • How dependent is Arizona's economy and job market on what happens ast the federal level?

Watch Friday for answers to these questions and more.

About AZ Week Notebook

News and commentary from Arizona Week producer/host Michael Chihak and interns Melanie Huonker and Lucy Valencia.