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Political Buzz – September 2011


The $10-dollar a ticket raffle is supposed to raise money the Pima County Republican Party. But it is causing a firestorm because the weapon involved is similar to the one used in the January 8th shooting.

The Arizona House Democrats called the raffle “sick” in a news release and other Democrats are condemning the drawing.

Mike Shaw, the interim Chair of the Pima GOP told Arizona Public Media that he was surprised by the reaction. He says the Party’s intent did not intend to offend. Shaw pointed out that Congresswoman Giffords is a gun owner. He also says the same weapon was raffled off late last year and the winner simply didn’t pick up the weapon in time.

Glock January 8th shooting Pima County,

About Political Buzz

News, commentary, analysis from the AZPM political team: Christopher Conover, Andrea Kelly, Michael Chihak.