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AZ Week Notebook entry


New Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild says his city and Phoenix have much more in common than might meet the eye.

Thus, Rothschild says, he and Phoenix Mayor-elect Greg Stanton plan to cooperate and coordinate efforts, especially when it comes to approaching state government for help.

Or, in some instances, when fending off state government's attempts to dictate to municipalities how they operate.

In an interview for Friday's Arizona Week broadcast, Rothschild cited Gov. Jan Brewer's veto earlier this year of several bills that would have imposed new procedures on cities as a sign that she believes in local control. That's a good start, Rothschild said.

He and Stanton, both Democrats in a Republican-controlled state, already have begun cooperating. They participated in one another's campaigns and fund-raising and have been in close communication, Tucson's mayor said.

It will be worth seeing how that manifests itself with the Legislature, controlled by conservative Republicans and not known for its friendliness toward local governments, specifically Tucson.

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About AZ Week Notebook

News and commentary from Arizona Week producer/host Michael Chihak and interns Melanie Huonker and Lucy Valencia.

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Arizona Legislature Greg Stanton Jan Brewer Jonathan Rothschild