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AZ Week Notebook – May 8th, 2012


The scenario has been the same for college graduates for several years -- get out of school and scramble for employment in the face of the recession and dwindling opportunities.

The unemployment rate nationally among 18 to 25 year olds for April was reported at 16 percent.

Thus, adding thousands of college graduates to that pool has consequences for them, for the economy and, perhaps, for their creditors.

Grads are leaving school with higher debt than ever.

On Friday's Arizona Week, we will explore the job prospects for the Class of 2012, what the hot fields are, how much they pay and what the rest of the new college graduates will do.

We will talk with two University of Arizona seniors who have carved out less-than-traditional paths. We will check in with Eileen McGarry, head of Career Services for the UA. And we will speak with an economist about the big picture in Arizona and nationally.

About AZ Week Notebook

News and commentary from Arizona Week producer/host Michael Chihak and interns Melanie Huonker and Lucy Valencia.