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Cue Sheet – February 5th, 2009


Distracted by this week’s membership drive, I’m not blogging faithfully, but here’s an easy one: a link to my latest screed in the Tucson Weekly:

Neil Simon's _Lost in Yonkers_ would be a superb play if there were less Neil Simon in it. What could be a serious, moving character study with flashes of wit is compromised by Simon's obsession with wisecracks and one-liners. Simon's theatrical blows again and again are weakened by periodic snickering, and too much of what could have been a forceful play ends up with the impact of a pillow fight. And yet Live Theatre Workshop has mounted a production of it that is assuredly worth seeing; actresses Holli Henderson and Roberta Streicher infuse it with tremendous heart and soul.

The full review awaits you here.


About Cue Sheet

James Reel's cranky consideration of the fine arts and public radio in Tucson and beyond.