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Political Buzz – June 8th, 2011


Senator Mark Udall (D-Colorado) has rolled out a bill designed to reduce the amount of fossil fuels used by the Department of Defense. The proposal is of note because Senator Udall is calling it the Udall-Giffords DOD Energy Security Act. A similar proposal was sponsored by Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords last year. Udall also sponsored similar legislation last year. When the proposals were floated in 2010 neither received much support in Washington. Udall’s bill had just four cosponsors and was referred to a committee where it was never heard. The House version sponsored by Giffords found support only from the Congresswoman and also never received a hearing.

About Political Buzz

News, commentary, analysis from the AZPM political team: Christopher Conover, Andrea Kelly, Michael Chihak.