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Political Buzz – May 2012


Republican Wil Cardon is airing a television ad calling out his main opponent, U.S. Rep. Jeff Flake, for supporting a bill that Cardon says would increase carbon taxes.

Cardon's airing a TV ad, a radio ad, and sending emails to reporters about the legislation Flake sponsored in 2009.

Now Flake is responding, saying the bill he sponsored did not do what Cardon says it does, and was intended to counter a Democratic Party effort to raise carbon emission taxes in a Cap and Trade bill.

"Flake's plan to tax energy will cost an Arizona family of four more than $1,000 a year in increased taxes on electricity, oil and gasoline. The Flake energy tax will also mean higher energy costs for every Arizona business -- and increase costs for the coal and fuel industries," a news release from the Cardon campaign says.

Watch Cardon's ad here:

In a letter to supporters, Flake responds, "You may have seen an ad running on television from my opponent claiming that I want a massive energy tax and suggesting that I support cap and trade. This, of course, is untrue."

He goes on to say the bill he sponsored was a "a revenue-neutral tax swap" meant to replace the Democrats' efforts in a Cap and Trade bill.

"The legislation stipulated that any carbon tax revenue raised by the government would go directly into the Social Security Trust Fund, and at the same time the payroll tax would be lowered by the same amount. This way, there was no incentive for politicians to raise the tax, since they wouldn't get their hands on the money to spend. It was used as a way to call the Democrats' bluff. I should note that in the end, we succeeded -- cap and trade failed," Flake writes in the letter to supporters.

He says prominent conservatives supported the effort, and that he never supported raising taxes or spending.

Jeff Flake Republican Wil Cardon US Senate,


The ad called “Worry” uses Jesse Kelly’s statements in the last election cycle about Medicare and Social Security. Kelly’s proposal two years ago to privatize Social Security has become a major topic in this special election for CD 8.

In recent days both Barber and Kelly have held dueling news conferences to tout their support from senior citizens.

Watch the ad:

Your Vote 2012: The AZPM Election Center


Will Cardon is a political newcomer but he is wasting no time introducing himself to voters.

Cardon has released his fourth TV ad, and like the others it pushes the idea that he is a conservative outsider who knows how to create jobs.

Cardon faces Congressman Jeff Flake in a GOP primary for the US Senate seat held by Sen. Jon Kyl who is retiring. The winner of that primary will face Democrat Richard Carmona in November.

Watch the ad:

Your Vote 2012: The AZPM Election Center


Just like its Republican counterpart, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is getting involved in the CD8 election.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is airing ads opposing Democrat Ron Barber in the special election to fill the seat for the remainder of the term.

And the DCCC is joining in to oppose Republican Jesse Kelly:

CD8 Charlie Manolakis Jesse Kelly Ron Barber,

About Political Buzz

News, commentary, analysis from the AZPM political team: Christopher Conover, Andrea Kelly, Michael Chihak.